Trading Card Games Store
Yugioh, Star Wars, Doomtown ...

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Yugioh trading card game
(also known as yu-gi-oh or yu gi oh trading card game)
Star wars trading cards (inclduing ccg singles, ccg boxes)
Doomtown trading cards (many decks)
Pokemon trading cards (inc. Dragonball Z Collectible Trading Cards)
Other trading card games (inc. Lord of the rings, harry potter, sports)


The object of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME is to win a Match against your opponent.

Three main card types are used in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Monster Cards, MagicCards, and Trap Cards. Additionally, each type of card is divided into further sub-categories. For now, just read the card descriptions. After familiarizing yourself with the Phases of Gameplay (p.22 in the rulebook), you will understand the special role of each of the cards.

IMPORTANT! In all cases where the rules in this rulebook conflict with the rules on a
Yu-Gi-Oh! game card, follow the rules on the card.

Monster Cards
A Monster Card is the basic card used to attack your opponent. Monster Cards are categorized by Type and Attribute. There are 20 different Types and 6 different Attributes. Type and Attribute affect each monster’s ability to Attack and Defend. The overall strength of a monster is indicated by its Level (the number of stars at the upper right of the Monster Card). A Monster Card is color-coded YELLOW.
Monster diagram


    Normal Monster Cards
    Types: Dragon • Spellcaster• Zombie • Warrior• Beast-Warrior • Beast • Winged Beast • Fiend • Fairy • Insect • Dinosaur • Reptile • Fish • Sea Serpent • Machine • Thunder • Aqua • Pyro • Rock • Plant


    Earth           Water
    Fire             Wind
    Light           Dark

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Fusion Monster Cards
"Fusion" means using 2 or more Monster Cards together with the Magic Card "Polymerization" to create a new monster, represented by a Fusion Monster Card. Each Fusion Monster Card also lists the monsters necessary to create it (Fusion-Material Monsters), and is further identified as "Fusion" next to its Type. The color of a Fusion Monster Card is VIOLET. Click here for gameplay rules on Fusion Monster Cards.

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A Fusion Deck is a group of Fusion Monster Cards that result from a successful Fusion. When a Fusion is performed, Fusion Monsters are not randomly drawn, but selected from the Fusion Deck. The Fusion Deck should always be kept separate from the Deck, and placed face-down in the Fusion Deck Zone of the Game Mat. Remember that the cards of the Fusion Deck are NOT counted in the 40 card minimum limit of the Deck.
Ritual Monster Cards

Ritual Monster Cards are an exciting twist to Yu-Gi-Oh! gameplay that will be included in future releases. Ritual Monsters Cards ARE NOT included in this Starter Deck. A Ritual Monster Card is a special monster that can be summoned onto the field only when you have a designated Ritual Magic Card and the Monster Cards required to fulfill the conditions described on the Ritual Magic Card as a Tribute, either on the field or in your hand. Ritual Monster Cards are color-coded BLUE. Click here for gameplay rules on Ritual Monster Cards.

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NOTE: Ritual Monster Cards are included in the Deck, NOT the Fusion Deck. Therefore, they are counted in the 40 card minimum limit of the Deck.
Effect Monster Cards

Monster Cards that possess magical effects are referred to as Effect Monster Cards. The broad range of Effects are divided into the types listed here. For details regarding the effects, refer to the instructions printed on each individual card. Effect Monster Cards are color-coded ORANGE.

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Monster Tokens

Monster Tokens will come into play in future releases, and are used IN PLACE of Monster Cards. The tokens represent monsters that appear on the field as a result of a card being activated. As they are not actual cards, these monsters are not included in a Deck (Deck Construction, p. 34).

Use coins or a similar marker (as long as it can be flipped to indicate Attack Position [heads] or Defense Position [tails]) as a Monster Token. When put into play, Monster Tokens are placed on the Monster Card Zone of the Game Mat. When destroyed, Monster Tokens are simply removed from the field.

Monster Tokens count toward the 5-card Monster Card Zone limit.

Note: The cards shown up on the web page are the ones of future release.